Tuesday, November 18, 2008

My incessant efforts to find a job have finally paid off! I am now an employed woman once again!

Starting December 1st, I will be the Family Interaction Specialist for Visiting Nurse Services, a local non-profit organization, providing remedial services to children who have been diagnosed with psychological disorders. I'm nervous about the unknown aspect of a position I haven't worked in before, but excited about the opportunity to learn and to finally be busy again!

Last night, to celebrate, we shared a peppermint mocha while we browsed the aisles of Target and then got take-out from my new favorite eatery, Z'Mariks, to eat while we watched One Tree Hill. And then, just when I thought the celebration couldn't get any better, John's sister Casey brought me caramel apple and triple chocolate cupcakes for dessert! I couldn't have asked for a better day!


Anonymous said...

Wooo-Hoooo! Sweet-Mother-Of-Fiscal-Love, You gotta job! Yay!!!

Unknown said...

i just can't believe you conned someone else into watching one tree hill with you.