Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Alright, friends. I've got bad news and I've got good news out here on the Iowa front.

The bad news? It's cold already. The locals will try to fool you and call it "fall," but I don't care what they label it, it's just plain cold. It barely hit 60 degrees out here today, and it was cloudy and windy on top of that. And, according to local meteorologists, this crisp chill is quite typical for this time of year which only means that it's bound to get even colder pretty soon. Gross.

Now for the good news... John got a job!!! It's a Social Worker 2 position with the State of Iowa, working in the Des Moines area. This means a few things for us, the first being that we won't go bankrupt or starving any time soon, which is always good. It also means that we'll be relocating once again (just a small move this time) to Des Moines. John's sister Casey lives in Des Moines with her family, so we won't be super loners, and the rest of his family will only be a short 3 hour drive away. Also, Des Moines is the capitol of Iowa (you should have known that already) and thus, the largest city in the state, so we figure there's bound to be a variety of activities for lonely big city transfers like ourselves. He starts in a little over 2 weeks, which means we've only got a limited amount of free time to do lots of awesome Iowa things, like have impromptu agrarian photo shoots...


Anonymous said...

Yay!!! Jobs are good!

Anonymous said...

happy day for paid employees everywhere! congrats to john. from one state worker to the next.


writing midterms for the students i teach. can you believe it? if they only knew...whaaa haa ha.